You’ve seen it on TV the skier flawlessly whooshing down the hill, with their perfect friends following behind them. They make it look so effortless, don’t they? For the beginner…skiing is NEVER like that.
In fact you’re going to spend a fair bit of time on your backside wondering why you decided to take up skiing in the first place. Persevere though, it will be worth it in the end. Skiing can take you to some of the most beautiful places on earth and once you get the hang of it you’ll love it.
Getting started is always the hardest part, so listen up beginners here are 5 things beginners should about downhill skiing.
Take lessons from a pro not a family member
This is the oldest piece of advice in the book but it is still valid. If you take lessons from family at some point you will want to wrap your ski pole around their head, so instead of ruining your vacation go with a pro. Trained professionals can deal with your frustration a lot better than a family member, they do this for a living and they are better instructors. When you book your trip you can usually include lessons, equipment and lift tickets at a fairly decent price.
Stop looking at your skis
This is just about the hardest part of learning to ski and it’s the same principal as don’t look at your feet while you’re dancing. Having these two giant skis attached to your feet makes you want to constantly look down and make sure the skis aren’t pointing in two different directions. Looking at your skis is dangerous, if you’re looking at your skis you won’t see the group of people or the large tree in front of you. Try and keep your eyes about 12 feet in front of the tips so you can see your environment and your skis if need be.
Stick with your favorite lift
For a beginner a lift is frightening, they come at you quickly and falling off is really embarrassing. Fixed lifts are a whole lot easier, they slow down for you to climb on and go faster as they move up the hill. Once you’re comfortable with these lifts then graduate to the others. Here is a video to show you how to get on and off a ski lift properly.
Stick to groomed trails
For the experienced skier powder is the best part, but for the beginner…not so much. It’s much nicer to fall into soft snow, but it is also heavy and you will get stuck more than you want to. Groomed trails have a consistent surface and once you have the technique down pat then you can graduate to the powder.
Turn up hill to slow down and stop
Believe it or not but you’re the one in control of your skis and where you go. Bend your knees, it lowers your center of gravity and gives you better balance. You are also less likely to fall…always a good thing. If you find yourself going too fast bend your knees and turn up the hill, it will slow you down without putting you on your face.
These are the 5 things beginners should know about downhill skiing, yes you will learn more as you go but these 5 tips will get you started.