Skiing is a great way to get out in the fresh mountain air, play in the snow, and have a great time. However, just like any other sport, you’ve got to be alert to stay safe. You should never ski under the influence of drugs or alcohol. While it may be tempting to take down some beers between runs, here are five reasons why you should think twice:.
#1 You Could Get Lost
When you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, your judgment is totally impaired. Even if you’re only buzzed, it is easy to misread signs, directions, or just ignore warnings that a trail is closed off. It’s easy to get turned around even when sober, so being under the influence could get you lost, and fast.

#2 You Could Get Hurt
Drugs and alcohol effect nearly every function of the body. Drugrehabdallas.org (YouTube), says that when under the influence, you will find it harder to balance, follow trails, and stay upright. You are much more likely to fall and get seriously injured. Even worse, you may not have the presence of mind to know what to do if you get hurt. You could fall, and lie in the snow for hours before help arrives.
#3 You Could Get Hypothermia
Alcohol and some kinds of drugs make you feel much warmer than you are. You are more likely to remove protective layering like your coat, hat, and gloves, and let your body temperature drop to dangerously low levels. Hypothermia likewise impairs judgment and movement. Being under the influence while experiencing hypothermia could be a deadly combination.

#4 It’s Illegal
Many states have laws about skiing while under the influence. Breaking these laws could result in fines, community service, or even jail time depending on the state. Regardless, this one reckless act could haunt you with a criminal record that could hinder you for years to come.
#5 It’s Stupid
When you’re skiing, you’re partaking in a risky activity. Though skiing is a relatively safe sport when following guidelines, laws, and using all the right equipment, it is still filled with danger. Think about it, if anything goes wrong while you’re sober it could result in a broken limb, a head injury, or even life-threatening situations. Adding drugs or alcohol to the mix might sound like a thrill, but in all reality, it’s just plain stupid. Your actions could lead to your own death or the death of another person.
Ski trips are a time have fun with friends and family. Get high off of the slopes, not drugs and alcohol. Don’t be the person that ruins the ski trip for everyone by skiing impaired. Be cool. Be responsible. Never ski while under the influence.